MPM Managing Director Mindy Sunderland presented at the Kentucky Banker Association’s Collection Seminar on Feb. 23. The program focused on a lender’s overall collection approach to defaulted loans and involved discussions on enforcing security interests, workout strategies, and pre- and post-judgment collection remedies.

Program topics included:
· Collateral repossession and liquidation
· Collection on accounts
· Deeds In Lieu of Foreclosure
· Forbearance Agreements
· Settlement Agreements
· Pre-Judgment attachments
· Post-Judgment asset discovery
· Garnishments, Executions and Orders in Aid of Execution
The program was designed for Workout officers, Special Assets officers and Collection Departments.
Mindy Sunderland is the Managing Director of Morgan Pottinger McGarvey where her practice focuses on banking and finance, Uniform Commercial Code, financial restructuring, commercial real estate and asset-based lending. Contact us to learn more or to host a seminar at your bank.