Morgan & Pottinger is a Louisville Bar Foundation Partner as of July. The Louisville Bar Foundation was established in 1981 as the charitable giving arm of the Louisville Bar Association.
“We felt it was important to support the Louisville Bar Foundation’s efforts to provide better access to the legal system for everyone,” said Mindy Sunderland, managing partner for Morgan & Pottinger in Louisville, “as well as its programs that help educate and provide important information to the public as it relates to Jefferson County courts.”
The Foundation’s mission is to raise and distribute funds for the delivery of legal services to the poor and indigent; for law-related public education; and for improvement of the judiciary, the legal profession, and citizen access to the justice system. The Louisville Bar Foundation has distributed more than $2.6 million in grants to local organizations, and the endowment has increased to $2.9 million. The Foundation is supported by contributions from attorneys, law firms and corporations. (Source: